Insights on Achieving With Purpose, Power & Passion

Newsletter – “Emerging Leadership Success … with HorsePower!” Recruiting

     Great leaders, no matter how good they are, know that real success comes from having the right people on their team.  Your employees are a direct reflection of you.
     Steve Jobs once said  “Assume you’re by yourself in a start-up and you want a partner. You’d take a lot of time finding the partner, right? He would be half of your company. Why should you take any less time finding a third of your company or a fourth of your company or a fifth of your company? When you’re in a start-up, the first ten people will determine whether the company succeeds or not. Each is 10% of the company. So why wouldn’t you take as much time as necessary to find all the A-players? If three were not so great, why would you want a company where 30% of your people are not so great? A small company depends on great people much more than a big company does.”
     Another important tip about hiring the right people from Lee Iacocca is “I hire people brighter than me and then I get out of their way.”
     Managers, once you get the right team in place, make sure you delegate and impower them to do what you hired them for.  Lead them with HorsePower!

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Emerging Leadership: Reliability, Loyalty, and Respect

      Managers and leaders want reliable, loyal, and respectful employees in order to have a productive team.  You have to exhibit the qualities you want.  You must be the example.

People you lead want to know that you can be relied on. They need to feel that you are honest, authentic and trustworthy.  They need to know that you’re a person of integrity…and that you’ve got their backs!  Never let the team down and show accountability!

Your employees want to feel respected, as do you.  If you want respect as a leader, start respecting those that you lead. Earning respect of others takes time and commitment, but it’s worth it! 

True leaders know that success is not something that is achieved overnight.  You use HorsePower!   HorsePower is focus, consistency, sustained effort and steadiness that done over a period of time produces results!

“Ride Every Stride…and do it with HorsePower!

#Communication #Leadership #Success #Speaker #Keynote #Dallas

Emerging Leadership Success, Learn from Others … with HorsePower!”

When they reach leadership roles, many new managers struggle to achieve the results they are capable of delivering. Continuing with my leadership success tips, emerging leaders should consider learning from others.

Always remember, No matter how well educated, experienced, knowledgeable and skilled you are – you can always learn from others.  Many leaders discover that simply by listening more and talking less, they will learn from others.  Listening is key!




 #Communication #Leadership #Success #Speaker #Keynote #Dallas


Emerging Leadership Success … with HorsePower! – Keep Things Simple

 Keep Things Simple

The best leaders know that the key to success is keeping things simple!  At the end of the day, most things in any kind of business come down to “Basic HorseSense”:

·      Attracting people, clients, customers – being likeable, communicating and listening
·      Selling or producing results at a price which is higher than costs
·      Always exceeding expectations – building credibility
·      Producing or delivering your service in the most efficient way – efficiencies
·      Looking after your team and keeping them motivated – positive reinforcement
·      Looking after your customers, clients, associates – show appreciation

·      Develop solid relationships

#motivational #speaker #professional #leadership #success #Dallas

Women Matter!

Female Leadership is the competitive edge for the future!
Women have the edge and natural advantages for what’s required for success.

When they understand gender differences and collaborate with EVERYONE in the workplace – great things happen!
Stay tuned for extensive HORSEPOWER techniques in Communication between Men and Women in the Workplace!

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TED Talk: How Body Language and Micro Expressions Predict Success – Patr…

This is so interesting.  What is your body language saying about you?  What about your micro expressions?  Communication is not just the words you say.  After you watch this video, click here to check out my article on Emotional Intellegence.

Emerging Leadership Success … with HorsePower!: Focus

I recently gave a 90 minute keynote to a group of new leaders and managers for a multi-location healthcare organization.  It generated a high level of enthusiasm with a group largely made up of talented, driven millennials.  

When many young managers reach leadership roles, they struggle to achieve the results they want. Focus is one of qualities emerging leaders should consider …

If you are leading a team, department or entire organization,  here are some things you need to Focus on:
·      What you want to achieve in the short term
·      What you want to create in the long term
·      What you want to create for others

Remember, stay focused and you will be a successful manager, at work and in life.

#Communication #Leadership #Success #Speaker #Keynote

“Puppy Training … with HorsePower!”

Our new little puppy, Molly Mae turned 4 months old today!

She is an adorable 6# Maltipoo and already knows how to “sit, stay, down, come, play ball, heel and walk on her hind legs” (check out the video)! 
Now before you think I’ve lost my mind creating a Newsletter about “puppy training”… there’s a reason I’m excited to share why I think Molly, this journey and HorsePower is so amazing!
The components in “Communicating with HorsePower” go way beyond horses, people, organizations and teams… they work with Molly too!
Here’s what I’ve learned…
1.    To get the best from horses, dogs and especially people you need to understand what their telling you and REALLY LISTEN!  One of the many pleasures of getting a new puppy is the chance to become familiar with the messages their sending to you and to watch them start understanding what you’re telling them…with your voice, facial expressions, gestures and total body language!
2.    Dogs have their own intuitive body language and to be a good, positive teacher for Molly, I need to understand her “language” and send clear, concise and fluent messages to her!  I’m thinking of it as “putting myself in her paws”!
3.    Wolves and dogs have identical DNA and their instinctive preference for living is in a pack (just like horses prefer a herd and people prefer a team).  But to be a leader in the pack, herd and team unit – you must be authentic, respectful, honest and demonstrate integrity… or you won’t be the leader very long!
4.    Molly came to us 6 weeks ago healthy, cheerful, energetic and with an inquisitive, positive attitude toward the world.  I’m giving her the same attitude back, staying upbeat and spending time to get to know her individuality, skills and personality… we’re in a cooperative partnership working together!
So, I’m being patient, positive, consistent and persistent (OMG…there’s the true meaning of HorsePower again!), really focused on Molly and listening intently!  I praise her often – reinforcing good behavior and I appreciate her wonder! 
Molly has her own spirit.  Separate and unique.  Just like all of us!  
Take care…and remember to …
“Ride Every Stride…with HorsePower!”


#Communication #Leadership #Speaker #Keynote #OrganizationalSuccess

Four Key Energy Elements: Spiritual Energy

The Fourth Key Energy Element is Spiritual Energy.  Defining, reflecting upon, and regularly revisiting our core values and our larger purpose at work is a powerful source of energy and direction.  The challenge is that introspection requires quiet, uninterrupted time, an incredibly scarce commodity in today’s world.  
Few of us pause regularly to think about why we are doing what we are doing, where we are headed, or what consequences are likely to be.  Instead we spend our days feeling compelled to act, react and transact.

Did you know that 60% of employees feel their decisions at work are often more influenced by external demands rather than by a strong, clear sense of their own purpose?  Also, 58% of employees feel there are significant gaps between what they say is important in their life and how they actually live.

An organization is a human community that can realize its highest potential only when each individual is fully valued and feels fully vested in a shared purpose.  The better peoples needs are met, the better they feel and the better the organization functions as a whole.  A company that invests in its people across all dimensions of their lives and rallies them around an inspiring purpose is actually investing in itself.  
The impact of low spiritual energy causes lack of passion and commitment,
decreased commitment, and dramatically increases turnover!  
How are your employees feeling about their purpose at work?
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